Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's A Boy

What was once brown, is now blue...Miller Paint Bullfinch Blue from the historical color collection. Doesn't it look like the same blue that is on every kind of baby boy thing? I love it though, and of course the two boys that live here love it. What a difference a color can make with your spirits. It has been raining for days on end and now it is like blue skies and sunshine in the house. My plans for working from home are just clipping along. Soon we will have a replacement for me at work and after training that person, I should begin this new adventure in January, as opposed to the earlier forcasted date of April 2nd, 2007. As many of you know, I work for my brother, and I want to say here, ( but this google beta has got me all turned around. So there it is just like that. Paul is excited for me, but I wonder why he was so excited to find my replacement? Oh I know I am an artist, and not an office specialist, so off to follow my we all should.


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